Services.TMD Advisory has the experience and flexibility to provide support across a broad range of areas, all based on real world experience. We also work with other independent consultants from Australia and around the world, to bring you their unique expertise and perspective. From the simple to the complex to the.. "you thought it was impossible", we can help you take the next step.
Subject Matter ExpertsWe can provide SMEs in a wide range of areas. Tolling Technology & Systems, Operations, Customer Service, Enforcement, Change Management, Tolling Marketing & Communications, Websites & Apps, Project Assurance & Delivery, Governance, Risk & Compliance
AdvisoryTMD Advisory works with all levels within the organisation to help develop strategies and approaches to managing & solving issues, change & transformation, feasibility & business cases.
Consulting & Change ManagementWe can provide consulting services to meet your needs from short to longer term support. This can include advisory or SME work, coaching and mentoring of your key people, development of change strategy and Executive or Board presentations.
PROSCI Certified Change Practitioner |
We help You Make Things HappenFrom gaining professional qualifications in project management through to a strong military background, things don't just happen by accident. We use structured techniques and methodologies to work with you to develop your strategies, approaches, plans and budgets and most importantly, the ongoing Governance to ensure that you stay on track and actually achieve the outcomes.
Our Customers Come First
We Help to bring out your BestYou can always do better. We always try to improve, learning from every job to do better next time. We work with your people to help them do better. At the end of every project, your people and your organisation should be better as a result, not burnt out like so may often are. We can not only support your technical areas but will work with your people to help them through the journey.